Friday, May 4, 2012

Hypersomnia: Admitting the Problem (Part 1)

Hypersomnia. Perhaps this word sounds somewhat familiar. Indeed, it is the opposite of the more popularly known sleeping disorder, insomnia

Getting too much sleep has as many detrimental effects, as does not getting enough sleep. Hypersomnia is a disorder in which sleep or tiredness is excessive. At one point, I thought I had insomnia because I have a habit of sleeping late, and not being able to sleep unless my television is on.

I continued to think this way because my sleeping habits got worse, especially after New Years 2008. That New Years, I went to bed close to 4 am in the morning despite planning to go to bed early. Before that day, I had never slept that late unless I slept a lot earlier in the day. This sleeping habit has remained that way for me since. Sleeping before midnight is a rarity, and at times, I don't go to bed till 6 or 7am.

As my graduation approaches and I begin to start a new life, I have to begin the change.

Attempting to fix my problem, I had to figure out the problem.

I now know why I sleep late. Since I preferred to go to school (as well as taking night & weekend classes) rather working at the same time, I ended up not having much to do when I wasn't in school; besides babysitting, exercising, or hanging with friends.

You've heard of people not getting enough sleep -- well I get too much sleep. This past Sunday, I slept late and woke up late. I didn't do anything other than text several friends throughout the day, and read news. Then, I went to my room, laid down and in an hour I was sleeping (this is the reason I don't stay in my room unless it's time to go to bed).

I babysit my nephew during the week (my primary job). However, he's growing up now. After helping him with his homework, reading a book and giving him something to eat, he's in his room watching TV or playing video games. And my days work is pretty much done. Now that summers coming, I'm planning an earlier wake-up schedule. Part 2 coming soon.

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