Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dear Banks: What's your deal ?

How timely this article was.

I discovered I was being charged $12 a month by Chase bank over the summer. When I found out that the bank had taken close to $50 from my account through bank fees, I was pissed. I phoned customer service and was told that I could file for a waiver to receive back the money that was withdrawn from my checking account (BS!). As a broke college student, $50 is a lot to me. After getting off the phone with a rep, I told myself I would wait and see how long it would take for my waiver to be complete, because it’s not like I had any money to put in the bank & that is/was my only bank account. I didn’t want to close it right away.

Months later, they were still debiting $12 from my account.

Regret! I regret not closing my account when my bank was bought by a ‘bigger’ one. Before Chase bought Washington Mutual, I was never charged a red cent on my checking account. Upon hearing that Chase would buy Washington Mutual, I was prepared to scatter around looking for another bank to keep my money in. However, Chase promised their “new” customers they would still be able enjoy the services of their “old” bank after the conversion.

Three years later…

I knew it was only a matter of time before the fat-cats would place their big bank policies into effect. I blame myself for not seeing it coming and not checking my account online, because now my damn account is overdraft!!! What the hell is wrong with these banks? Are they purposely charging people fees to lose customers? How dare they threaten customers to keep a minimum of $1,000 in their accounts for their pleasure? Why should I pay you to watch my money anyway? Screw you!

Never again…

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